Aug 20, 2012


after a long night's work
the light off the highway
     calling me to church
pardon if i keep on truckin'
roll right into my bed

face it babe, you ache for change
wanna take your clothes off, rearrange
and i catch the shining moment of despair

but give yourself a quarter-turn
and walk right on until you're firm
and let me hang here drunk in disrepair

inspiration strikes at any time
but you just won a lifetime of happiness
no devil involved
no heavy registration
catastrophe's like white after Labor Day
and i am the fashion police

I've had thoughts vanish at a question
          May have led to some end
                Some sufficient answer
Led to fruition
I could be brilliant

I might know you
Like your clothes know you
          They know you better
          They've held on
I might feel every breeze that's hit you
          When I tug at your clothes

I might know you
I might put you on paper
          Pour you into words
And what you read comes out your mouth

If thoughts didn't vanish
          I might know you

smiling because i'm a stranger on the train
and i'm watching a woman below me spill cheese in her blouse
     it goes between the buttons
she'll find it later
half-melted to her stomach
i should go shit in one of the bathrooms
     and come out looking sheepish
she's got sunburn too
a big, red, candy-cane stripe down her arm

ten hours on a train today
what are you listening to?
i wear my sunglasses at night, i really do
but only because i fancy myself intriguing
"if every moment of our lives were cradled softly
in the hands of a strange and gentle child,
i'd not roll my eyes so"

she may be a panther in the sack
but didn't his mother teach him not to sit that way?
i bet he wonders if i'm writing about him
     he keeps stealing glances
maybe it's the sunglasses

i was a lone leaf struggling
heaving in my bed
because in the month of February
no-one wanted me

when you're sick
when your senses fail
you have your dreams
mine are x-rated
you and i have sex
on a cold stove top
while a portly woman cleans the kitchen
we hop a train, then
the other living force
and we whisper to each other
we should have married in that bookstore
among so many ghosts

there you were backpedaling
trying to save your life
and mine
from a current too strong
for even the symphony's
crashing cymbals

i took care of them
i excised all the details
so you couldn't corrupt them with your irony
so the force of your will couldn't bend them to break

you're a liar
but you think i don't lie
i'm better at it, more willing
i can con myself into thinking it's all the same
same place, same time, same person
same charge

but you can't bring it back
even if you capitalize all the right letters
because those little pen marks on the page?
i scratched and bit them until they bled
and i'll unravel it all when i'm ready
when i can see straight

you will never be there
in an empty room
like i will be there
nauseous and writhing on the floor
as they pull your words like leeches from my mouth

she stooped to recover a shoe
that had landed softly on the pavement
she was hit
with the force of whiskey-
painted as a car
and traveling at speeds
her ghost will never travel

when the written word becomes impenetrable
and i am forced to repeat a single page
it will be a delicate death
that i am ill-prepared for